To Read and extract the elements from the XML file first parse the XML file though the parser and create the Document
Document doc = builder.parse(str);
Once the document is availabe we can fetch the root and elements as follows
Node node = doc.getDocumentElement();
String root = node.getNodeName();
Example is given below
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
public class GetRootNode{
public static void main(String[] args) {
BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
System.out.print("Enter xml file name: ");
String str = bf.readLine();
File file = new File(str);
if (file.exists()){
DocumentBuilderFactory fact = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = fact.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = builder.parse(str);
Node node = doc.getDocumentElement();
String root = node.getNodeName();
System.out.println("Root Node: " + root);
System.out.println("File not found!");
catch(Exception e){}
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